Monday May 27, 2024

The Highlander's Pirate Lass

In this episode, we discuss The Highlander’s Pirate Lass by Heather McCollum.

It’s a pirate's life for Eliza. She’s grown up with salty sea air in her hair, an unblemished horizon as a future heading, and hatred in her heart for the scoundrel who murdered her family. Eliza has no plans to ever be a wife or even to fall in love. Meanwhile, highlander Beck needs a wife so that his family island can once again support a community and be rid of the curse that has plagued them. 

Beck rescues Eliza from being stranded on an island, and the chemistry between them is overwhelming. They develop a friendship and maybe more. But, with such different life paths, how will they ever manage to chart a course that will bring them together?

Content warning: Human trafficking (including children), references to rape, sexual assault, trauma survivorship

Website: | Coming next: The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

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